Admission Procedure
In order to get admission to any of the education programs with the school, please follow the following procedure:
1.Please send an e-mail to the school about your interest to seek admission in the school with following information:
1-1 Name of the student
1-2 Date of Birth
1-3 Contact Telephone Number
1-4 Contact E-mail address
1-5 Current Address
The e-mail can be send either directly on contactus@kis-kawasaki.jp
Or you can enter the request through the INQUIRY FORM
2.School will set up an interview date and time with the child and parent and would inform you of the same through e-mail provided by you
3.You may download the Admission Application form from the following link and bring it dully filled out on the interview date. Please do not forget to affix the passport size photograph of the child.
In case, if you can't print out from the web link provided, you could bring the child photograph with you and could fill out the application form in the school.
4.The school would confirm the admission after the date of interview at the earliest possible.
The school reserves the right for admission and will not entertain requests for explanation if the request for admission is rejected.
5.Once the child's admission is confirmed, the school would provide the enrollment form and details of formalities needed before the child is admitted to the school.
For further inquiries, please send us your questions through INQUIRY FORM.

【Enrollment Fee】
【Security Deposit】
Refundable after deducting ¥500
For handling charges
【Monthly Fees】
(9:00~12:30/3 days a week)
(9:00~14:00/5 days a week)
(9:00~17:00/5 days a week)
(9:00~18:00/5 days a week)
【Material Fees】
【Extended Hours】
Up to 18:00
Payment in cash acceptable

School Uniform
School uniform is important to create a sense of belonging to school community.
Uniforms give students a sense of identifying to a group that is striving to achieve the same goal. It is a general belief that a school uniform improves learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically. The reason behind this is the fact that students don't have to worry about their dress when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn't so important and you can focus and concentrate on your original objective of learning.
At Kawasaki International School, we have uniforms for the kindergarten and elementary school students that can be bought at the time of admission to school and any other time as required on order.
The uniforms are shown below for your reference.

School Bus
Please feel free to contact us if you are considering using the bus service.