Kawasaki International School has the mission to impart the best foundation in early education. We aim for providing education for all and strive for:
・Educational excellence
・Structured and systematic approach for building strong individuals
・Education in core human values
The philosophy behind the above mission stems from the firm belief and experience that children need structured guidance to bring the best out of them. Since children in their early ages do not yet have discriminatory power to judge what is good for them, they should be given guidance to do things in a systematic manner. As they learn to do new things and solve new problems, they should be encouraged to gain confidence in themselves so that they grow as strong individuals who believe in themselves. The information and knowledge is equally important for gaining confidence but we also believe that education is not just feeding information. Education is the foundation for future. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States had once said that:
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”
Since education is also the core for nation building, we strongly believe that it should be based on the Core Human Values of “Love, Truth, Peace, Right Conduct and Non-violence”. These values are very important for harmony in an international environment. Practicing these values from an early age provides a dynamic confidence in children which is vital for their overall growth.
We aim to raise confident individuals with strong interest in learning.
As work environment goes global, it is important to have good communication skills and strong command over English language coupled with experience of cross-cultural environment.Since the early education is foundation for future growth, it is critical that children are exposed to an environment that prepares them for success in today's world of globalization.
Kawasaki International School aims to provide the kindergarten and early primary education for children of 2years to 12 years of age, so that they could develop foundation for international society.
We also focus on character building through education in core human values of truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence.
The objective is to develop contributors for a harmonious society with patience and mutual respect. We also believe in learning through fun so that children learn at their own pace given the love and care they deserve at this tender age.
We look forward to having you join our mission to global success!!
Education system of the 21st century is still constantly changing and evolving. At a young age, learners are being encouraged to explore through technology. The integration of the different types of technology, like robotics and engineering, into the daily activities of children develop the 21st century competencies needed to the demands of the global environment.
In a true global environment, it is all about encouraging young minds to seek and develop the knowledge, skills and values that are needed to engage with the real world around us. It is about the belief that even small idea can make a big difference.
The intensive education program of Kawasaki International School has been specifically designed keeping the above values in mind. We offer courses for Kindergarten and Elementary school students. English is used as a medium of education with focus on the development of language skills, mathematics, physical training, arts and crafts, practical science, social sciences and ability of free thinking for becoming a true global citizen.
We also have special education program for children of two years of age as part of [School Readiness Program]. At K.I.S., children do not only learn English but also study Japanese language as a part of English curriculum while understanding and preserving cultural differences.
“Arts and crafts” is also an important part of K.I.S. curriculum. We believe that this discipline helps shape the foundation of imagination and creativity in children from an early age.
Integrating library time in students’ daily routine through teaching the learners the love of reading increases student achievement on literacy. For the holistic improvement of the learners, Playtime plays an important role for students’ growth and development. This time gives learners to interact with each other outside the four walls of the classroom, giving them the opportunity to learn independently and develop their interpersonal and behavioral skills.
Taking a culturally responsive methodology to teaching and adopting inclusion and awareness around multicultural education benefits all young learners. Diversity in and out the classroom will continue the grow. Hence, it is imperative to hone the students to adapt to a changing world.
In addition, K.I.S. conducts sightseeing tours to museums, zoos, and factories where children can learn about science and nature through practical learning.
We do not consider education a burden in Kawasaki International School. There is an old saying that whatever is left with you when you forget everything you learned in the school is “Education”. Every child has perfect memory. Normally people tend to remember even the complex things they are most interested in but forget even the simplest things. It is “interest” that keeps you remember the things. If you live through the moment of learning, it becomes an integrated part of you. You might have noticed that when you are too stressed or your mind is too occupied with work, you even tend to forget simple things and whatever you read during that time does not stick to your memory for a long time. We, therefore, understand the value of creating interest in education. We believe that by learning through fun, children would not lose interest in studies and learning would become one of their natural instincts.
The early years of childhood are very critical for the rest of the life as they form the basis for the character, talent, good mental and physical health. We care for the health and overall growth of children and take them to outdoor lessons and outdoor excursions to learn directly from the nature and surroundings.
We would continue to strive to instill the power and desire to live fully and contribute towards the growth of the children.
We are open to any suggestions from the parents to help us achieve our goal of helping the international community in Japan through education empowerment.
Sharma Bhawna
Principal, Kawasaki International School